October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020
If you were to ask most people what’s most important to them when making a purchase historically it’s come down to three things - price, quality, and service.
But today’s customers have access to more information than any time in history and less time to spend on purchasing. Brands who can cut through the clutter quickly and deliver a seamless experience that simplifies the customer journey better than their competitors will be much more successful in the years ahead.
So how important is customer experience? According to PriceWaterHouse, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. And a recent Walker study found that by the end of 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. In fact, 84% of companies that work to improve their customer experience report an increase in their revenue.
Here are six tactical steps brands can do to prioritize customer experience:
A customer journey map is a diagram that visually outlines all the steps a customer goes through when engaging with your brand. To develop your customer journey map, bring together leaders from each department including marketing, sales, human resources, finance, logistics, customer service and front-line employees.
Starting from the time you first engage with a prospect; create a timeline of each touchpoint your customer has with your brand.
This should include touchpoints your customer has during the following phases:
Once you have a framework for your existing customer experience, use this information to formulate a set of questions you can ask your customers. This will help you uncover how your customers feel during each touchpoint.
Are they frustrated, happy, impatient, or delighted? By asking for feedback you’ll get a deeper understanding of where the bottlenecks are, which part of the process is working well, and where the opportunities are for improvement.
Using Survey Monkey, Google Forms, or another customer feedback tool, create and send a brief survey to your customers asking for their input. Focus on assessing the most important metrics of customer experience:
Questions will be unique depending on your industry, current customer journey, and business operations.
From here, gather the data collected from your customer survey along with the feedback received from internal departments during your initial customer mapping session. Regroup with your team and share aggregate survey findings.
As a team, determine which specific parts of your customer journey require improvement. Then, create a new, ideal customer journey map that outlines your vision for how you would like your customer experience to be in a perfect world.
Note on your new customer journey map which aspects may require additional capital investment either in technology or human capital along with R&D for new product development. Rate each of these in order of importance to determine which projects should be prioritized.
Investing in the right technology can significantly improve your customer experience however finding a partner with a solution that fits can be cumbersome and risky. To start, assign a team member to be responsible for researching technology solutions that can bridge the gap between your current and ideal customer journey.
With input from all department stakeholders, prepare a requirements document that outlines what the solution must accomplish in order to improve your customer experience. Your requirements document will serve as your guidepost as you gather pricing and scope from potential partners.
With partner pricing in hand, prepare your customer experience budget, outlining the total investment required for R&D, technology, and human capital.
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Airlines stated “Take care of your employees and they will take care of your customers”. Organizational psychologists have confirmed this through numerous research studies. Consider the following examples:
To assess and prioritize employee engagement at your organization consider the following.
To help with this effort, consider having all employees complete a personality or strengths assessment. Some examples include Meyers & Briggs, DISC Profile, Enneagram, or Gallup Strengthsfinder.
Review each employees performance to see if they are in the right seat on the bus. If not, consider where in the organization they may perform at a higher level using the skills and talents they possess.
Marketing and customer experience have become increasingly integrated as companies understand the buyer’s journey is not linear and doesn’t end once a sale is made and a project is completed.
Historically, companies have allocated marketing resources heavily on lead acquisition and brand awareness efforts. However increasingly, companies realize that long term success for the brand but most importantly for the customer involves an orchestrated, ongoing marketing and communication strategy for each customer that continues well beyond a closed won sale.
These touchpoints are the impetus for new product development and help fuel brand awareness efforts as happy customers begin to refer more customers to the brand. In fact increasing customer retention by just 5% boosts profits by 25% to 95%.
Marketing is ideally suited to perform these types of ongoing customer engagements. It’s scalable, allowing companies to reach a large number of people in a way that’s efficient and personal through email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, customer feedback, and task automation.
These highly personal and highly targeted marketing communications provide support to overwhelmed sales teams and account managers who don’t have the bandwidth to provide the level of support and automation customers have come to expect.
Marketing offers the perfect marriage between using data to guide decision making and creative problem solving. Marketers ask customers the right questions and analyze customer behavior to identify opportunities for improvement.
You can lean on your internal marketing team or partner agency to use customer data in innovative ways to improve the customer experience and lead development of new products and services.
Customer experience will become more critical to the health of your organization in the years ahead. Customers now have access to more information about you and your competitors than ever before. They want to purchase from brands they connect with that take the time and effort to WOW them.
By focusing on fine tuning your customer journey map, leveraging technology, prioritizing employee engagement and investing in marketing you'll be on your way to delivering a powerful customer experience that will elevate your brand and more importantly, elevate your customers.
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